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Hartland Park October Race Report

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 10:49 am
by Weissbeck
Heartland Park October

Typically these race reports seem to be themed oriented, my thoughts have taken me to likes and dislikes. I will give you a couple of examples and then let you decide.

All the trash receptacles located around the pit area (Like)

People racing with numbers that I can’t tell what class they are in (Dislike)

The kid from BikeGraphix passing out 25% coupons (). Hint, line above hit em up.

Making the cut off to take the last lap, while the guy in front of me pulled off ()

Hanging that old two stroke out in the open grass section, while making a pass on a classmate ()

Taking down the Red Bull banner prior to me finishing the last lap, ()

Folks cheering for you as you cross the finish line, like around 4:30. Made me fill special you know what I mean ()

Dirt so good that I caught myself wheeling in fourth gear ()

Sweep rider appeared to be broke down in the middle of the course ()

Rider getting around you because of sweep rider in the middle of the course, however validated that you weren’t really holding them up because you could stick right with them ()

Hearing those super bikes over on the race course ()

Seeing Bill Thomas at the race. Was great seeing you, was hoping you would be at the race. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Thanks for all the effort in making these races possible. Much appreciated

Troy Weissbeck 1014